Comments Posted By Jim Wilson
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Years ago I started making lists of things I was thankful for around Thanksgiving time and toilet paper was high on the list along with flush toilets and orange-scented air fresheners (I'm allergic to perfumes for the most part, but citrus doesn't hate me). I thank Heaven and Capitalism for, respectively, the inspiration to invent such things, and the invisible hand that makes them affordable.

Tracing the origin of toilet paper is an exercise Adam Smith would've approved of...after he got over his horror at the indelicate nature of the subject matter. After all, how could toilet paper exist without a kagillon, if not three kagillion other inventions and umpteen bazillion hours of labor to make it possible. One could argue that cheap toilet paper is a relatively large proportion of the sum of human endeavor from the beginning of time--perhaps as much a a billionth of a percent. How I thank all those who came before and made a commonplace, civilized comfort possible!

And thanks in advance to the guy who comes up with a way to make it obsolete! Long live creative destruction!

Holy Jesus! You're loonier than I am, Jim.


Comment Posted By Jim Wilson On 9.02.2010 @ 17:26

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